Category Archives: News Blog

Dental Office Re-opening

Thank you for your patience while we try to accommodate as many patients as possible considering the long office closure and new protocols as required by New York State. To learn a little more about what you can expect during … Continue reading


Office Status Update

I hope this note finds you and your family in good health. Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many … Continue reading


Covid-19 Impact (update 4/16/20)

Dear Patients: Our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients, families, staff, and community. To that end, the practice is currently closed, in accordance with guidance provided by the American Dental Association. Subsequently, the Governor of New … Continue reading


Gum Disease and Hypertension

A recent study demonstrated the increasing likelihood connections between gum disease and hypertension. The New York Times summarizes the results here.


Wine Stains on Teeth

Ever wonder what you can do to prevent red wine stains on teeth? Try cleaning them before you pick up the glass! New York Magazine: Red Wine Stains on Teeth


Diabetes and Gum Disease

A recent study has indicated that treating periodontal disease in patients with diabetes may improve the diabetes condition. Yet another link between diabetes and gum disease.  Reuters: Diabetes and Gum Disease


Tips for Avoiding Enamel Erosion

Acidic beverages can cause great damage to the enamel of the teeth. Lemon and other citrus flavors are very acidic. Here are some tips, such as having these beverages at the same time as a meal, to avoiding potential difficulties. … Continue reading


Some Health Conditions May Show up in the Mouth

Reader’s Digest lists a few systemic conditions that may manifest in oral health issues. Regular dental check-ups can help stay on top of things.  Dental Problems Revealed in the Mouth


Challenges with Age and Oral Health

Continuing the discussion on older adults, the NY Times recently described the unique challenges, the importance of preventive care, and the efforts being made to help this population by local communities.  NY Times Older Adults


Oral Health and Older Adults

US News and World Report discusses the importance of oral health for older adults. Since Medicare does not cover most dental care, preventive treatments such as additional cleanings and fluoride can make a big difference to maintaining a smile and healthy … Continue reading


Heart Disease Risk

It is already known that there is a link between gum disease and heart disease from studies over the years. Reuters reports on this recent study from the Netherlands that uses an even larger group to find a connection. The … Continue reading


Oral Health Affects Overall Health

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an excellent summary of the importance of a healthy smile to the overall health of the body. In addition to the points that are raised, its been shown that there is a bi-directional relationship with oral health … Continue reading


Tips for keeping your teeth clean

Buzzfeed, with the help of the American Dental Association provides this helpful list of items to help keep your teeth clean along with photos demonstrating what is happening to your teeth and gums. Remember, the most damage done by sugary, starchy … Continue reading


Be careful even with sugar free soda and candy

Keep in mind, sugar free sodas and candy are still acidic and can cause erosion on teeth, potentially wearing away the enamel. A recent study from Australia has demonstrated this. Water is a great beverage of choice, and mint is … Continue reading


Tooth Loss Linked to Cognitive and Physical Decline

A study recently published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society indicates that older adults with tooth loss experience a more rapid decline in memory and walking. This may mean there is an affect on both the mind and the body. … Continue reading


Tooth Decay in the United States

A new report from the CDC and National Institute for Health indicates high numbers of individuals with tooth decay. It found that 25% of adults 20-64 have untreated tooth decay! 96% of adults 65 years and older have had treated … Continue reading


Cavity Risk in Older Adults

Older adults continue to be at risk for getting cavities. Especially in cases where gum or bone loss has exposed roots of teeth and in cases where medications cause dryness of the mouth. This USA Today report discusses some of … Continue reading


Oral Health and Overall Health

The links between oral health and overall health are well-documented and publicized. There are so many reasons to take care of your teeth and oral health, in this US News and World Report article many valuable reasons are given to going … Continue reading


Dental care in children starts early

Many new parents do not know when to start taking their children to the dentist. The actual correct age is one year old or by the eruption of the first tooth. This time is important to establish the child’s dental … Continue reading


Denture Care

Seniors should be aware that it is very important to remove their dentures when going to sleep. There are many reasons for this, including keeping the gums healthy. However, a new study indicates that Seniors who sleep while wearing their dentures … Continue reading
